Friday, February 20, 2009


a great personality to cap off what has seemed to be a musician-dominated week here; the adorable björk!

wow! this, below, looks like it's authentically from the 60's!

she's so photogenic and fun! personal friends of her's are lucky; it seems like no matter what she's doing or where she is, she's having a good time doing it.


Jessica said...

True Story: In Iceland a woman on my trip got her hair cut by Bjork's cousin. The cousin said Bjork was totally nice, but wasn't in town when we were there :( I know, AMAZING story.

Nico said...

ama! zing!!!!!!!!! :D

Benjamin Anders said...

Bjork is such an interesting woman! Her voice is so distinct and her fashion is too! My fave song is Oceania.

Kali Fontecchio said...