Wednesday, March 11, 2009

harold lloyd

a fantastic photo of lloyd from the eastern westerner.
and of course, we can't forget safety last!


Jessica said...

Where do you find all these great pictures?!

Molly said...

Do you know how they filmed the building climb of Safety Last? They built a building facade on the roof of a skyscraper, with a trampoline under the facade. When they tested it by throwing a dummy off the facade, the dummy landed on the trampoline and continued to bounce right off the side of the building! Harold went forward with the shoot after all that, what a brave guy!

Kurdt said...

Safety Last is awesome but my favorite is Grandma's Boy. The part where Lloyd and the bully eat mothballs is one of the funniest things I've ever seen!

Nico said...

jess! years of internet searching and collecting. :)

molly! i didn't know that... fascinating!

Mr Goodson said...

I've got Lloyds 3D photography book of Nudes. Kinda cool but I'd have to saw he wasn't much of a photographer. Didn't have a good compositional eye.