Friday, March 13, 2009

hot dog?

who is this pictured below? i don't know.
is that a hot dog? looks like it.
just what the heck is happening in this photo? it doesn't matter.

because what is featured below is an amazing display of capturing one of those split-second moments that make life hilarious, bizarre, and otherwise perfect, all at the same time.

this is why i love photography.


Benjamin Anders said...

Haha! Ewwwwwww. Nasty, Nico.

Hellen H. said...

That's the worst tongue I ever saw.

Nico said...

i am sorry for this blog post.

Kurdt said...

So the hot dogs have finally decided to rebel eh? They've decided to throw off the buns of oppression and rise up to their rightful place as ruler of the world. If they weren't so tasty and easily eaten I'd say they'd have a better chance of succeeding...