Wednesday, January 7, 2009

cool glasses!


Molly said...

Those are cool!

Benjamin Anders said...

I want to buy all kinds of awesome glasses. Theres so many! My brother got some recently and I'm super jealous of him.

Nico said...

i didn't know you need glasses ben! or do you just want them as a fashion thing?
a lot of older folks ask me if i wear my glasses just because they're retro-looking. and when i say "uh no, it's because i need them to see", they go "oh. wow!"

like it's really noble of me or something. is it that weird to wear glasses because you actually need them?

Benjamin Anders said...

Well, I needed glasses back in Grade 6 then I got my eyes checked 5 years later and my eyesight improved... but I think I'll need them in a few years. Your glasses rock though!