Monday, December 21, 2009

ziegfeld follies


Kali Fontecchio said...

I love that second photograph!

Anonymous said...

Great girl photos! Man, Nico, I love this blog. Do you do requests? Cause I'd love to see a post about Joan Crawford, Barbara Stanwyck and a young Bette Davis! :D

Anonymous said...

Also, I forgot to say, that although I love the great photography you display on this blog, I'd also love to hear any or all theories or thoughts you had on the photographs and actresses. You're a smart and interesting guy!

Then again, I don't know, maybe beauty doesn't need comment.

Nico said...

sure, i'd be happy to do those requests!

yes, if you'll notice by going further and further back in time on this blog's entries, i used to write little bits of commentary and thoughts with every post. but as the blog has gone on i seem to have gotten a bit lazy with it. you're right, i should really start doing that again. consider it a new year's resolution.